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Lydeard St Lawrence Community Primary School

Key Stage 2 Class

Welcome to our class!

We are a mixed class of Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 led by Mr Mark Walker and Miss Lihou.

The School Day

During the school day, children will enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which is carefully designed to build upon and extend their knowledge and skills.

Children will need to have their Forest School kit in school on Tuesdays and PE kits on Friday.

Our Curriculum


Information to follow


Parent Partnership

In order to help your child reach their full potential please support them with these key areas at home: 

Reading - Children should read every night for 15 minutes to an adult. Any reading should be recorded in the reading log book.   Each child has a BoomReader account to record their home-reading.

Spelling - Practise reading and spelling the relevant spelling list, sent home each week.  Spelling Shed will help with this.

Times-tables - Help your child learn their times-tables up to 12x12.  You can use Times-table Rockstars (TTRS).

Wherever possible, please encourage your child to have a go at new concepts and challenges as this will develop their growth mindset.

Everyday I must bring to school

  •  A water bottle
  •  Lunch box (unless I am having a school lunch)
  •  Reading book

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words 

These are the common exception words that children should know by Year 5

KS2 Residential:  Kingswood, North Devon 3 - 5 July 2024

For their residential experience this year, the class will be spending two nights at Kingswood in North Devon.

The residential opportunity will encourage the children to develop independence, whilst having fun.  During the visit the children will take part in all sorts of adventurous activities designed to help them learn, develop new skills and really shine as an individual and also as part of a team.  

In 2023, our residential was at Kilve Court.

Snowy Owls at Kilve Court


Useful Links

The links below will support your learning.  We advise parents check the links are working correctly before allowing your child access.

Times Table Rock Stars

Spelling Shed

Purple Mash

Comma Castle

BBC Bitesize - English

BBC Bitesize - Maths